Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Wild Space
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As Anakin takes Ahsoka and a good sized portion of the Grand Army of the Republic to counter Grievous's forces at Bothawui, Senator Bail Organa gets a message from a shadowy ally of his that explains that there is a Sith Holocron on the planet of Zigoola in Wild Space. Obi-Wan and Padmé are told by Organa, and Obi-Wan agrees to go with the Senator in order to retrieve the Holocron and seek what information lies within it. The Jedi and the Senator rendezvous with Organa's contact in Wild Space, Alinta, but the three of them are attacked by space pirates. Alinta is killed, but Obi-Wan and Organa continue to Zigoola. But when they arrive on the planet, they crash several miles from the Sith temple and are forced to walk there in order to retrieve the Sith Holocron. During the journey, however, Obi-Wan suffers hysterically by dark side illusions projected by the planet due to its dark side nature from being immersed in the Sith. Eventually, the duo just barely make it to the Sith temple, but Obi-Wan can go no further because the closer they get to the Holocron, the stronger the dark side is to Obi-Wan and weakens his power. Obi-Wan is finally able to get into the Temple and destroy the Holocron, taking a crystal with him out of the temple as it collapses because of Obi-Wan's presence. He believes the crystal can contact home. Obi-Wan heals from the dark side projected by the destroyed Holocron and makes a Force call with the crystal to Master Yoda back on Coruscant. Yoda sends Padmé and several clone troopers to retrieve the duo from Zigoola, which is successful.
The Clone Wars was an intergalactic conflict that started in 22 BBY and ended in 19 BBY. It was the Republic against the Separatists (Confederacy of Independent Systems), led by Chancellor Palpatine and Count Dooku. The main soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic were clone troopers, and the main soldiers of the Separatists were B1 Battle Droids.
The Clone Wars began when Count Dooku captured Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, and Obi-Wan Kenobi and sent them to Geonosis. They managed to escape capture from three deadly animals (Reek, Nexu, and an Acklay), and two-thousand Jedi came to rescue them. Dooku, Poggle the Lesser, and many other Separatist leader led their forces into battle against the Jedi. Many Jedi died during the skirmish, and was next major death of Jedi next to the Battle of Ruusan, thousands of years ago. Suddenly, after the denial of surrender by the Jedi, Grandmaster Yoda brought clone troopers to the Geonosian Arena. The battle was then moved outside to the Geonosian plains and the Battle of Geonosis was started, as was the Clone Wars.
The first battle in the Clone Wars was the Battle of Geonosis. The commanders of the Separatists were Count Dooku, Nute Gunray, Passel Argente, Wat Tambor, Shu Mai, San Hill, and Poggle the Lesser. The Republic leaders were the Jedi Order, higher-ranking clone troopers, Lok Revenants, and Mere Resistance (Lok Revenants and Mere Resistance are pirate groups). It was also the first major battle of the Clone Wars. There was a space battle, as well as a ground battle. The ground battle was ultimately led by Count Dooku and Yoda. The forces fought, and after a long, hard battle, the Republic. That was the start of the Clone Wars. Afterward, clone troopers were dispersed to random corners of the galaxy to fight for the Republic and to restore peace to the galaxy again. 59ce067264